Dystopian Universe RPG Playtest

Corruption. Betrayal. Intrigue. Just another day in Paris Nouveau.


I can’t believe I got in to the playtest for this game! I’m so excited. I have pinged a few friends to play through it with me, and I will do my best to report here on how it plays.

I have always enjoyed playing The Resistance and Coup, and the idea of an RPG in that universe, with a built in traitor mechanic, just sounds awesome.

You can read more about the Dystopian Universe RPG here on Evil Hat’s website.

On a side note, there will also be a Dresden Files card game coming soon. I keep meaning to make it to a playtest of that as well, but it’s always on a bad day, or just out of driving range for an evening. Ah well. I guess I can be patient.